5 Ways Perfectionism Leads to Caregiver Burnout

Good family caregivers understand things will not always go as planned. If you are a perfectionist, you could face difficulty managing your caregiving duties and likely experience burnout. You need to realize you cannot control everything, and it is best to let certain things go. Here are some of the reasons perfectionism leads to caregiver burnout. 

1. Constant Fear 

Family caregivers who are perfectionists believe they can help their loved ones recover within a specific amount of time. When this doesn’t happen, they experience fear and anxiety. However, if you develop realistic goals for your loved one’s recovery, you will likely not fear the worst when things do not work out as planned. Make sure to speak with your loved one’s doctor to receive information pertaining to your loved one’s illness, treatment options, and recovery statistics. 

Caring for an aging loved one can be a difficult task, especially if you’re overwhelmed with constant fear or other negative emotions. If you are the primary family caregiver for an elderly loved one and need additional assistance providing high-quality home care, Oshkosh Senior Stride Home Care can help. We are a leading home care agency committed to changing the way seniors age.

2. Intolerance to Disorganization 

Perfectionists need to be organized and cannot tolerate messy living conditions. They feel a sense of shame if the home is not in complete order, which is not always the case when caring for seniors, especially if the adults are living with cognitive issues. The disorganization could lead to burnout. When caring for your loved one, remember everything will not always be in perfect order in the home. Consider hiring an in-home caregiver who can help around the home and take some of the responsibility off of you. 

Oshkosh respite care professionals can assist seniors with a wide array of daily tasks, offering family caregivers the chance to focus on other personal responsibilities or take a break to prevent burnout. Whether it’s for a few hours a day or a few days a week, respite care is the perfect solution for family caregivers who are feeling overwhelmed.

3. Exhaustion 

If you are a perfectionist, you may be afraid to allow anyone else to care for your loved one. You want to be with him or her at all times, making sure everything goes according to your plans. With no breaks or no extended time away from your loved one, you will likely become mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted. Allow other people to assist with the caregiving duties. Trust that others can provide exceptional care for your loved one, just as you do. 

4. Bad Relationships

It can be difficult for a family caregiver and his or her loved one to maintain a strong relationship if the caregiver is a perfectionist. If your expectations are too high, your loved one may feel pressured. As a result, the relationship could become fractured. To prevent detachment and challenging relationships, give your loved one the respect he or she deserves. Remember your loved one is doing the best he or she can, even if it is below your standards. Instead of giving up, allow your loved one to create a routine he or she likes, and remember to be supportive. 

5. Lack of Satisfaction 

Perfectionism prevents caregivers from believing their best is good enough. Instead, they are constantly trying to do better, which could cause stress, anxiety, and burnout. You need to accept you have done your best and be satisfied with the results. Keep in mind your value doesn’t come from achievement. It comes from knowing you have done your best. Your loved one will appreciate you are doing everything possible to help him or her live a happy and healthy life.

Family caregivers who need a break from their caregiving duties to stave off burnout should consider professional in-home care. Although it may be challenging to find a reliable, highly rated home care agency, Oshkosh, WI, families can turn to Senior Stride Home Care. Our respite and live-in caregivers are expertly trained to assist seniors with a wide array of important tasks, including cooking, bathing, light housekeeping, and exercise. For more information and to schedule a complimentary consultation, please call one of our knowledgeable Care Managers at 920-717-1767 today.

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Tax Information Family Caregivers Need to Know

Family members who provide Oshkosh home care for a senior loved one are responsible for many factors that ensure the senior receives the best care possible. One aspect family caregivers may not consider involves tax preparation. Caregivers must develop an organized system. Getting ready for tax time requires managing documents and receipts throughout the year. Family caregivers must also take the time to stay informed about the tax implications concerning looking after a senior. In this way, individuals are aware of the tax breaks that might decrease an annual tax bill.

Dependent Claims

If the caregiver and the senior meet certain IRS requirements, the senior might be claimed as a dependent. These stipulations include:

  • The senior must be a resident of Canada, Mexico, or the United States.
  • The senior cannot file a joint return with his or her spouse.
  • The senior must be a relative. However, he or she does not have to live with the caregiver.
  • The senior’s income for the year cannot be more than $4,050. Social Security benefits are not included in this sum.
  • The caregiver must provide more than half of the senior’s expenses.

Deductible Expenses

The IRS allows family members many different deductions that pertain to providing home care for an older loved one. The long list of deductions include:

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Dental or medical care
  • Bathroom and other property alterations required for medical reasons

Deductions also include out-of-pocket expenses for:

  • Acupuncture treatments
  • Adapters for telephones or TVs for the hearing impaired
  • Ambulance service
  • Bandages or other medical supply items
  • Drug and medical care copays
  • Medically required weight-loss programs
  • Prescription eyewear
  • Prescription medications
  • Smoking cessation programs
  • Wigs when disease processes or medical treatments cause hair loss

Family caregivers in Oshkosh must keep proof of expenses in the event they become subject to a tax audit. Records are typically kept for a minimum of five years.

Learn more about financial concerns for caregivers by reaching out to Senior Stride Home Care of Oshkosh, a leading provider of live-in and hourly caregivers. Oshkosh families trust in Senior Stride Home Care to provide high-quality senior care on an as-needed basis. Call 920-717-1767 today to speak with one of our qualified Care Managers and schedule a no-obligation consultation.

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Why Caregivers Should Take Up Journaling

Oshkosh, WI, senior care agencies know that taking care of an aging relative is hard work. Your day is full of helping your loved one with numerous tasks from bathing and dressing to preparing meals and housekeeping. You may not feel you have time to sit down and journal, but doing so will benefit you in many ways.

Reduces Stress

There’s no doubt that you love your aging parent, but you will inevitably feel angry, frustrated, and anxious from time to time while caring for him or her. These feelings are normal and understandable. Journaling gives you a healthy outlet to express all of your thoughts and feelings to reduce stress.

Helps Solve Problems

Journaling often leads to new insights and perspectives on issues. It also forces you to organize your thoughts, which can help when you’re facing a hurdle. Additionally, journaling helps you clarify your thoughts and feelings regarding the challenge at hand.

Helps You Be More Mindful

When you write in a journal, you are only focusing on the task in front of you. Journaling can help you become more mindful in your daily life, allowing you to focus on each moment you spend with your loved one instead of focusing on the past or the future.

Offers Respite

It’s important to take some time for yourself each day. If you don’t, your mental and physical health will decline. Writing in a journal for 10 or 15 minutes each day is a great way to have some “you time” where you can rest and recharge.

Preserves Memories

Keeping a daily journal creates a written record of events. Later on, you’ll be able to go back and read about the good times you shared with your loved one while you took care of him or her.

Reduces Conflict

Inevitably, you will have disagreements with siblings, doctors, or your loved one regarding his or her care. Writing in a journal allows you to express your thoughts and feelings about frustrating situations without causing conflict. Having this outlet may help you have fewer arguments with your loved one or other family members.

Caregiving is both rewarding and overwhelming. Daily journaling is a great way to take care of yourself so that you can continue to care for your loved one. You can also turn to Senior Stride Home Care of Oshkosh for a helping hand. We provide reliable respite care in Oshkosh that helps your loved one in the comfort of home while you take some time for yourself. Learn more by calling 920-710-CARE (2273) to customize a care plan for your loved one today.

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